The IX Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights: a transdisciplinary approach (CIDHCoimbra) is held by Ius Gentium Conimbrigae, the Human Rights Center based at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra in co-organization with the National Institute for Research and Promotion of Human Rights of Brazil. The Organizing Committee, listed below, invites the entire academic community to a moment of reflection and debate about different and relevant socio-legal issues found within the scope of Human Rights. The purpose of this international academic event is to encourage, according to its thematic proposition, the construction of ideas and the development of scientific theories from a multidisciplinary and critical perspective of social and legal sciences.
Prof. Doctor Vital Moreira
Retired Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.
Prof. Doctor Jónatas Machado
President ofIus Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC/Center for Human Rights). Director and Full Professor from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.
Mestre Carla de Marcelino Gomes
Executive Director and Researcher ofIus Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC/Human Rights Center).
Master Catarina Gomes
Consultant in Education for Human Rights and ResearcherIus Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC/Human Rights Center). PhD student at the University of Coimbra.
Prof. Doctor César Augusto Ribeiro Nunes
President of the National Institute for Research and Promotion of Human Rights (INPPDH). Investigator ofIus Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC/Center for Human Rights). Professor at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Campinas/SP).
Prof. Doctor Leopoldo Rocha Soares
Vice-President of the National Institute for Research and Promotion of Human Rights (INPPDH). Researcher at Ius Gentium Conimbrigae (IGC/Center for Human Rights). Professor and Academic Director of the Science and Technology Center at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie de Campinas-SP.
The Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights: a transdisciplinary approach (CIDHCoimbra) is already considered one of the most important scientific Human Rights events held in Portugal. Throughout its history, CIDHCoimbra has organized several Thematic Symposiums in which researchers from different countries participated, notably from Portuguese-speaking countries. From this activity, over the last few years, numerous scientific publications have been produced, of which the Annals of Abstracts and the Annals of Complete Articles of the Conference stand out. CIDHCoimbra is also honored by prominent international personalities who, as speakers and guests, have been present since the first edition of the Congress. We had the honor of receiving throughout the editions J. J. Gomes Canotilho, Vital Moreira, Jónatas Machado, Flávia Piovesan, Antônio Carlos Wolkmer, Ingo W. Sarlet, Cesar Aparecido Nunes, David Sanchez Rúbio, Orquídea Massarongo-Jona, Teresa Cravo, Iolanda Rodrigues de Brito, Aua Baldé, Ana Margarida Simões Gaudêncio, Eliana dos Santos A. Nogueira, José Henrique Torres, Helena Pereira de Melo, Felipe Gómez, amongst others.
Join this Conference and get to know the huge academic network of Human Rights researchers and students who form CIDHCoimbra. Every year, in October, we have an appointment in Coimbra!

VIII Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights

VII Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights

VI Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights

V Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights

IV Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights

III Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights

II International Conference on
Public Law

I International Conference on
Public Law