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Annals of Abstracts and Full Articles Publications
Papers submitted in the form of abstracts will be published on the OJS platform (Open Journal Systems) from the 6th edition (2021). Until then, abstracts were published on an electronic platform developed specifically for the International Conference on Human Rights in Coimbra. The OJS platform is internationally used for academic publications, which is why the Organizing Committee opted for the change. Soon, the entire collection of annals will be migrated to the OJS platform, unifying access to the annals of abstracts. All editions of annals are indexed by the ISSN Brazilian Center (International Standard Serial Number) of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) through ISSN code 2595-2773. As of the 2022 edition, abstracts are also identified by the DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
It is also important to highlight that since the 4th edition of the Coimbra International Conference on Human Rights (2019) the complete articles sent by the authors who choose to develop the theme of their abstracts have been published, after the presentations and debates that occur during the Conference, in the respective Thematic Symposiums. The publications are made in the format of electronic books organized by Editoras Brasílica, Fibra and Edições Brasil, responsible for registering and obtaining the ISBN code of each edition.
Finally, in view of the important desire to give visibility to the themes of the thematic symposiums, the Organizing Committee of the Conference, with the support of Editoras Brasílica and Edições Brasil, published an electronic book composed of articles written by|the coordinators|of the thematic symposiums of the 2021 event (VI International Conference on Human Rights in Coimbra). It is a valuable collection composed of the production of renowned human sciences researchers from various locations around the world.
Access to the entire vast production can be made through the links on the right:

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