Abstracts must be submitted using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) application, an open source software developed and provided by a number of Universities around the world,through the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), which will be accessed through the official website of the Conference (
Abstracts written by a maximum of 2 co-authors will be accepted.In case of co-authorship, the Abstract must only be submitted by the main author, who must indicate the co-author in the submission procedure.
In the submission procedure, the author must comply with the following rules, under penalty of immediate rejection:
a) The Title of the Abstract must be written in capital letters;
b) The Body of the Abstract must contain a minimum of 300 and a maximum of 500
c) The Abstract must contain: the object of the research, the justification of the relevance of
the subject, the objectives, the methodology used in the research, the initial hypotheses, and
the final or partial results obtained (if any);
d) After the Body of the Abstract, 3 to 5 keywords must be indicated, in capital letters,
separated by semicolons;
e) The Abstract must be presented in one of the languages accepted by the Thematic
Symposium chosen by the author(s);
To comply with the submission procedure, the author of the abstract who has not yet
registered in the OJS platform for the submission of abstracts in previous editions of the Conference must perform all the steps described below, while the author who has already
registered in previous editions of the Conference must use the same access login and
perform the steps described from “b)” below:
a) Access the OJS platform through the Conference website and insert the required data:
name; Institution, if any; country of residence; main professional activity; e-mail; username
and password;
b) Access the submission page through the link “Submit a new Abstract”;
c) Follow the steps described in the submission page:
- Indicate the Thematic Symposium (Section) to which the Abstract will submitted;
- Declare that the Abstract is original and unpublished;
- Declare that the rules of this Call were observed;
- Declare agreement with the privacy policy;
- The field “Comments for the editor” is optional and should only be used if necessary or if
any clarifications need to be made by the author.
Transfer of the Abstract File:
- Upload the file with the Abstract in Word format (as indicated in number 10.2), clicking on
“Send file” and, once the transfer is complete, on the “Save and continue” button.
Insert metadata:
- Mandatorily, insert the main title (if there is a subtitle, this must be inserted in the proper
field indicated by the platform); the abstract (minimum of 300 and maximum of 500 words);
and the keywords (between 3 and 5 keywords), without the need to use a semicolon (just
press Enter after entering each word);
- In this step, the author may, in addition, indicate the research funding agency(ies) and, in
case of co-authorship, the author must indicate the name and data of the co-author.
- Finalize the submission by clicking on the button indicated.